Let’s hear what parents say

Mrs Lai
Macau SAR, China
My non-verbal son with Autism (back then 9.5 years old) and myself joined Ms Kwong’s ZOOM online course back in November 2020. Upon the first session, through detailed observation of how I interacted with my son, Ms Kwong already gave us a few useful suggestions in how to communicate with my son which I have never heard before from other speech therapists. I felt those suggestions were interesting and hopeful and decided to apply to my son.
Upon several days of using the methods, my son immediately was responsive and started to utter more sounds. Afterwards, through weekly or biweekly zoom sessions with Ms Kwong, my son continued to improve. From no meaningful language to now trying to imitate and can speak some single words (in a period of 15 months), our family is in ecstasy. We are so grateful to Ms Kwong’s patience in explaining the rationale, and the notes and step-by step demonstration in the session.
Though the way for my son’s to speak in sentences remains long, we are so glad to have Ms Kwong with us on this journey. Thank you again Ms Kwong.
非常多謝呢段時間Ms. Kelly悉心嘅教導及指引,仔仔喺半年之內就可以追趕到佢年齡嘅言語發展嘅水平。
但係去到大概三歲仔仔仲係成日講BB話、好似唔係好理解我同佢講嘅說話、唔係好表達到自己,仔仔由細到大睇開嘅兒科醫生寫咗封轉介信俾我去搵言語治療師Ms. Kelly。
好開心上堂係家長可以一齊 sit in,Ms Kelly除咗同做仔仔言語治療,亦都一路教我喺日常生活中點樣訓練仔仔言語能力~
❤❤❤ Thank you Ms Kelly ~